How Quickly We Forget…. Or.. How Quickly We Choose To Ignore The Obvious!

This is NOT a social issues commentary, however a question about it is below.

Instead, think of this as a bit of a history lesson. It certainly seems, beyond a shadow of a doubt; to be one of great importance; yet one many have forgotten.

You know who you are!!

Please continue….

The opinion article in the (5/1/2022 HHS Parents and Alumni) paper was “absolutely deplorable?”

Isn’t That Ironic!!

Not that many years ago, two ISD701 employees, both an administrator and teacher were abusing/having inappropriate behavior with young girls. That was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, yet there was no “absolute deplorable” sentiment then hey?

Also… not one PEEP (on social media or elsewhere), from school board members, school teachers, or other employees of this once proud school district, let alone a grade school principal and high school VP.

Whispers, however, were all around.

Where were you all then?

Much to touchy of a topic for you?

Hit to close to home?

How about… where were you when the MNDHR investigation was complete?


Where were you when the pervert teacher was allowed to walk away with a three year taxpayer funded severance package?

Where were you and your comments of #strongertogether when allegations of racism by a certain HHS administration member were “overlooked?”

Where were you, and to the bigger point, where was the discipline when a teacher told a classroom of students “I don’t know why we’re all back. We’re all going to get “C” and die.” This was on day one of school being back to in-person learning.

It was said to me. “Yes, that was a mistake, and something should’ve been done.”

There’s that theme again with this school district. Yes, something should’ve been done.” However, time after time, year after year, situation after situation, within this district, nothing is actually done!??

We as a community should demand better from our elected school leadership.

It makes no difference if you weren’t anywhere near this school district during those dark times; however, knowing the history and why parents are/get so upset, would go an extremely long way to your understanding of it. It goes back, literally decades!

Plus, after the last two years everyone’s nerves are so near the top and exposed. It doesn’t take much to set everyone off now, does it?

This (the article, whether you choose it is as fact or fiction), is all just another layer of the iceberg that was once underwater, but let us not talk about the bullying and everything else that has also gone “overlooked” on a regular basis.

The opinion piece or whatever you personally refer to it as, had NOTHING to do with teachers. Instead, it has EVERYTHING to do with ISD701 leadership…. Know the difference!!

Being led by dinosaur’s = dinosaur thinking, and dinosaur decisions.

Sadly with the average age of our area 65 +, I don’t expect anything to change.

I did once, but not anymore.

People are content having our communities youth being lead by dinosaurs. So be it…


There’s a reason this school district remains a laughing stock of this state To This Very Day!!

Everyone knows where to look, right??

Besides students leaving in record numbers, teachers are also leaving in numbers, not just in this district, but nationwide. Can anyone blame them, locally or nationally?

Some completely awesome local teachers are contemplating leaving. Some have said, “I’m done sooner than later, I can’t take the crap that goes on district wide!” “There’s no support from administration.” “That opinion piece wasn’t all wrong. Pick a building.” The kicker “our elected school board officials suck, I wish the community would wake up!”

These comment’s should scare everyone within the community: These are the teachers of our future leaders!

Some teachers, that I respect more than life itself, saw the writing on the wall and left already.

Through this ALL, and I believe I’m stating the obvious again, everyone knows where to look. If I have to tell you, ya all are NOT as engaged as you think!

Never underestimate my support of the GOOD teachers, and support staff. Yet also, never underestimate my show of zero support to the lazy BAD teachers, and support staff!!

There’s always the (BAD) few who ruin it for the (GOOD) many in any walk of life!!

I DO NOT however support, while also HAVING ZERO TRUST in the leadership of this district. That non trust has been well earned in spades over the years!!

See above!!

A perfect example of this FACT?

The letter that was (supposedly) written and signed by the whole of the school board… (the week of 5/2/2022), In response to the opinion article.

All that amounted to were more words that DO NOT back up this school board’s actions!!

To the school board directly…. COME UP WITH SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN…. Not plagiarized from elsewhere!!! COWARDS!!

You all SHOULD HAVE addressed, point by point, to that letter!! You all, at the very least, would’ve had a leg to stand on in doing so.

Instead, you all signed your names to a letter that literally meant NOTHING!!

You’ve proven year after year, situation after situation, you all DO NOT practice what you preach!! You all however, obviously think you do. Thanks to all of you for proving this point yet again!

Yet a school board member pens a letter to the editor, (week of 5/16/2022), and in her first few paragraphs claims “right wing conspiracies?”While touting this and that…. While the touting is warranted…. Again,

You lost all credibility by AGAIN showing your political beliefs; which HAVE NO PLACE IN, AT, OR AROUND the school board level!!

Figures you STILL DO NOT realize this!!

She also speaks of positivity.

Again, give me a break, you fraud!!

You are one of the biggest bullies on this current school board!! You have learned from the biggest bully; so normally I’d give you a pass… but NO MORE!!

There’s only one board member that I have respect for. The rest of you, as I stated above, are dinosaurs!!

She should realize to keep quite!

You open your mouth, and your words DO NOT match your actions!!! Some people just can’t get out of their own way!!

If others within this community only knew!!

Also, what’s so threatening to you about a different community member being elected to the school board? Guaranteed anyone within this community could do just as horrible of a job as you and your cronies. What a disappointment you all are!

It would also seem, as with anything, that there are two sides to any coin, within this school district.

Kids are saying this, and that.

Adults are doing the same.

Some ISD701 support staff are vehemently denying any such actions, as stated in the opinion article that are happening. “I’ve never seen anything like what this article states.”

It’s understandable they’re in denial. It really is, BUT again….

Remember back to your high school days.

Did you straighten up, or stop screwing around, when you got wind of someone in authority walking the halls? Thought so.

Today’s kids are sneakier than ever before. I’ve been driving bus for the past 6 years, and my experiences prove the above statement as fact.

What I really don’t understand?

How can some students see the things the article mentions, yet other’s do not??

I get why teachers and staff do not see it.

Of course there are no litter boxes in the school restrooms.

Stop picking and choosing what to pull out of that article and run with!

From an HHS student…

“Yes people bark. Yes people meow. Yes there is one kid who gets “walked” on a leash. Yes, people wear cat ears, and yes some people wear tails. To anyone who wants to say that part is a lie, they are mistaken. You can walk into any bathroom and it smells like someone just peed on the floor…. daily”

Reread that opinion article, I mean really read it.

Some people are blowing the writers comments way way way out of proportion. This is not surprising in the least. You know who you are. Why are you doing so??

#strongertogether?? I DO NOT believe that means, to you, what it means to me.

As usual these are my thoughts and words. If you have concerns with them, you know how to contact me and we can discuss them.

I am unafraid.

Something I’ve never said before, but yet have learned.

These words are NOT written out for you, you, or you!!

Please DO NOT come up to me in public and say “good job,” “way to go,” or “you said exactly what I was thinking.”

I DO NOT CARE…. I am NOT speaking for you, or anyone else!!

If you can say these things to me, but yet slink back under your rock, and cower in fear of being reprimanded and or public scrutiny, save any words of encouragement you have towards me… I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR THEM!!

Thank You!
